Columns, Op-Eds, & Interviews Mental Health & Justice

Op-ED: Jackie Lacey Was My Boss. If She Truly Cared About Mental Health, My Brother Might Be Alive

Lewis Nyarecha/via Leon Nyarecha
WLA Guest
Written by WLA Guest

by Leon Nyarecha

District Attorney Jackie Lacey was at the Twin Towers jail on the day my brother died alone in his cell. Lacey toured the jail facility periodically during my career as a videographer at the District Attorney’s office. But her visit in June 2018, while unremarkable for her, turned out to be especially significant for me. At the time, my 25-year-old brother, Lewis, had been incarcerated there for nearly three months, following his March 10 arrest for suspicion of trespassing and causing a brief commotion at a bank.

Lewis was suffering from schizophrenia. I personally spoke to Lacey about the situation and she told me she’d make sure he got help. Her office mentioned two diversion programs that might be suitable. But help never came — just as it hasn’t for so many mentally ill people who remain confined in Los Angeles County jails today.

Twin Towers Correctional Facility/WitnessLA

When Lewis was first sent to Twin Towers, I hoped it would be good for him. My brother’s mental health had deteriorated noticeably in the weeks before his arrest. He had stopped taking his medication, and he would show up to my home at strange hours, often in a manic state. I was scared for him and wanted him to be safe, but I didn’t know what to do. After his arrest, I told the prosecutors that Lewis was not a criminal — he was just sick and in need of treatment and support. In their minds, however, jail was the best place for him to receive such support. After my own struggles to help Lewis, I believed them. Now I wish I hadn’t.

There is still so much I don’t know about my brother’s death. But I have a long list of questions that still haunt me.

On April 24, a little under six weeks before my brother Lewis died, he fell down in his cell and struck his head. I talked to my brother once or twice a week, during his time in jail, and he told me he believed he sustained a concussion during his fall but said, that while medical personnel saw him at the jail, he’d received no scan or other meaningful diagnostic screening.

A little over a week later, Lewis became dizzy and collapsed on the floor of the jail module, again hitting his head, this time causing a laceration. When the jail’s medical staff responded they found him disoriented and slurring his speech. Lewis was rushed to LA County USC Medical Center, where no one told the doctors that he was on a high dose of antipsychotic medication. Yet, after his release from the hospital with a diagnosis of dehydration or possibly meningitis, he was returned to his jail cell, apparently with little follow-up medical attention or any kind of regular supervision.

If jail officials were aware that Lewis had suffered two bouts of dizziness leading to two severe blows to his head in the course of two weeks, why was he subsequently left unattended by jail deputies and medical staff for extended periods of time, including the approximately 18 hours preceding his death?

Just after 11:00 a.m. on June 6, 2018, an inmate trustee noticed that something was wrong, and reported that an inmate “needs help and might be dead.” Lewis had missed dinner the night before, and breakfast that morning, but no deputies checked on him. After the trustee made his urgent report, the deputies finally responded and went to Lewis’ cell where they found him unconscious. Yet, as they removed him from his top bunk, the deputies somehow managed to slam my brother’s head into a steel table in the process, then laid him on the floor where a pool of blood formed around his head.

Although Lewis’ file required that he be housed on a lower bunk for reasons of safety, he was assigned to a top bunk when the deputies came to find him that morning.

A representative from the coroner’s office told me later in the day that Lewis died at approximately 11:36 a.m.

Jail officials claim Lewis had already fatally overdosed on his medication when the deputies’ inexplicably careless action occurred, but can we be certain? And if that’s the case, how was Lewis allowed to obtain enough prescription medication to allegedly overdose, when his jail medical records indicate he was not authorized to self-medicate? His medication was supposed to be administered to him at bedtime, yet records indicate that no jail officer or medical personnel had any contact with Lewis on the evening before his death. How, then, did he obtain a lethal dose of Seroquel?

All of these unanswered questions have brought me to an unavoidable realization: Lewis was never safe inside the Twin Towers jail. The facility is simply not equipped to give the care and attention necessary to address the needs of someone with mental health issues.

Perhaps no jail is. These are dangerous and degrading environments, where vulnerable people are at particular risk of being subjected to further trauma. Mentally ill individuals may have some access to medication and treatment while in jail, but that alone is not enough, especially when the rest of their time is spent confined to a cell or in fear of other inmates.

This must be an uncomfortable reality for Jackie Lacey, who has gone to great lengths to position herself as a champion for mental health, beginning in 2014 with the creation of her office’s Mental Health Division. While Lacey claims to be working to divert mentally ill people into alternatives to incarceration, my brother was still sent straight to a cell four years after she launched this initiative. And today, nearly one-third of all individuals held in LA county jails suffer from some sort of mental health issue. That’s more than 5,000 people, some 3,300 of which could safely be released into programs offering community-based clinical services, according to a recent RAND Corporation study.

Lacey’s office has shown a lack of urgency around addressing this issue. Too many people still languish in jail, where they face life-threatening levels of neglect. At the same time, prosecutors continue to fill cells with the mentally ill. Lacey may talk approvingly about the value of mental health diversion programs, but it’s clear that her prosecutors are still using incarceration as the default response for many people suffering from mental illness.

There was a time when I believed Lacey’s rhetoric on mental health, when I believed that my then-boss understood what families like mine were going through and that she was actually doing all she could to help. But since my brother’s death, I’ve come to question her true commitment to this issue.

Lewis would likely still be alive today if Lacey’s prosecutors had taken his mental illness seriously and treated jail as a last resort. Instead, they behaved as prosecutors do in so many other jurisdictions: They condemned a vulnerable person — a beloved brother, a loving son, and a talented musician — to suffer behind bars. And in the end, that decision cost Lewis his life.

Author Leon Nyarecha

Author Leon Nyarecha, 32, worked for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office as a videographer and photographer for five years. Following the tragic death of his brother in the Los Angeles County Jail in 2018, Leon left the DA’s office. He currently works for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services as a video production specialist.

In February 2019, the family of Lewis Nyarecha, including his brother, Leon, filed a civil lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department alleging negligence and battery, and describing “systemic and individual failures by Los Angeles County and its representatives that caused a premature end to a promising life.”

The lawsuit is ongoing.

Top photo of Lewis Nyarecha courtesy of Leon Nyarecha


  • Nyarecha: All life matters. But, why is this a fault of DA Lacy? The DA has never run the Sheriff’s department and never will. You and your family has known for years about your brother’s problems and mental state. Why weren’t you able to care for him before he started to commit violent crimes? Let this life lesson get you to understand THAT GOVERNMENT CAN’T BE THE CURE OF SOCIETAL MENTAL ILLNESS. Did your brother ever attack hospital staff as well as deputies? Did we not have another pathetic article about how deputies are not psychologist, just yesterday? And why didn’t the person who wrote this trash being identified? Sorry, but this ‘hit piece’ does not help your cause.

  • “Lewis would likely still be alive today if Lacey’s prosecutors had taken his mental illness seriously and treated jail as a last resort.” Really? In an article full of criticism and condemnation, there is not a single, sensible, safe, suggestion of any alternative treatment that could have been used in this case, or in the cases of thousands of other mentally ill people who end up in custody.

    The reality is that “jail as a last resort” misstates the situation – there is no other resort. Either the violent mentally ill offender remains in custody (usually in the Twin Towers Medical Center), or the offender is released and transported to an outpatient program. While the later option sounds like a better choice, the fact is there are few, if any, programs that offer sufficient structure to ensure that the mentally ill offender is supervised to the extent necessary to stabilize his or her psychosis.

    What prosecutors have seen is that many of those referred to mental health programs are relatively free to leave them, which they do. They then return to the streets where their mental health condition deteriorates further. We all sympathize with Leon’s anguish over the loss of his brother, but the lack of appropriate and effective mental health treatment is the problem here, not the District Attorney’s Office.

    The primary goal of the District Attorney’s Office is to protect public safety, and releasing violent mentally ill offenders back onto the streets is not a safe option for anyone. Instead of pointing the finger of blame at Jackie Lacey and the prosecutors in her office, why isn’t Leon banging on the doors of lawmakers in Sacramento and demanding the creation of suitable mental health facilities for mentally ill offenders? You know, the kind of mental health institutions that were abandoned following the passage of the Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act 1967?

    The legislature has the blood of Lewis Nyarecha on its hands. They don’t want to spend the money necessary to provide another “resort” for Lewis. Instead, a truly concerted effort is being made to blame the DA for the failure of Sacramento to provide the kind of facility that is needed to safely treat mentally ill people.

    Witness LA. Instead of being part of this problem, why not be part of the solution. Witness LA, please step up to the plate and provide your readers with a list of suitable mental health facilities where people like Lewis can currently be safely treated.

    I don’t expect to read an article entitled “Jackie Lacey, please send mentally ill offenders to [insert name of facility]. I don’t expect Witness LA to be able to fill in the blank, because there is currently only one mental heath treatment facility that offers a ‘lock down’ environment where mentally ill offenders are unable to leave. That one facility has very limited capacity, not nearly enough to cope with the demand, and not able to take all mentally ill offenders (arsonists are notoriously difficult to house). I do expect Witness LA to do more than join in the ‘bash Jackie Lacey’ in order to make a pathway for George Gascon. Come on Witness LA, you can do better than that.

  • Mr. Nyarecha, I offer my condolences on the loss of your brother. Regardless of the circumstances leading to his death, it still remains a tragedy for you and your family.

    Based on the contents of this article, the timing of the release of this article, coupled with elections around the corner, it is apparent that this article was used as a political hit job against Ms. Lacey. Mind you, I by no means support Ms. Lacey. However, the L.A. Democrat political machine is hard at work, to replace Ms. Lacey with Mr. Gascon.

    However, the real culprit(s) in the aforementioned tragedy, as well as other individuals with mental health issues, falls squarely on the shoulders of the politicians who have decimated the mental health facilities, in favor of other social programs (i.e., free health care for illegal aliens, sanctuary city etc.). Why is it that the politicians of this state, city and county can take care of others, but not their own?

  • “Causing a brief commotion in a bank” seems like if your going to run a story like this you ought to at least check out some of the authors claims. I’ll bet if someone wrote a story like this about Gascon, Witness la would ignore it, or rigorously “fact check” it. For whatever reason, Witness la is acting as a campaign arm of the Gascon campaign. Witness la stories regarding the Gascon campaign should be treated as the campaign ads they clearly are.

  • Nobody living in LACO reads WLA anyway. Just cops and county employees who live somewhere else.. Had it not been for Paul Tanaka, WLA would be dead.

  • Not so sure about that…

    People who dont live there, but work and have family in LACO are readers of WLA, especially those who work in city & county government.

  • Your post reminds me of a Psychology 1A class I had to take many decades ago as a General Education requirement for my Baccalaureate, which is in English Literature.

    This is what my instructor said about Psychology:

    “It is an elevated form of voodoo.”

  • No argument, but it probably wouldn’t be dead, I think the whole thing is funded by grant money, which explains a lot.

  • Far too many people come out of the woodwork after their “mentally ill” family member acts out in a dangerous fashion and gets dealt with by law enforcement. Instead of keeping junior on a leash – virtual and actual if indicated – they allow him/her the freedom to reign terror on innocent victims. Then they boohoo about how the mean old po-leece could’ve shot the knife out of his/her hand or used some magical ninja technique that won’t hurt junior.

    If they had actually cared about their crazy family member, they would have taken appropriate measures to prevent bad things from happening. Instead, they just want a payday.

  • From this article, it seems like this man went a long time laying in bed and that he missed two meals. How often do jail staff check on inmates? Is there any obligation to make sure they are alive if they are in bed or missing meals? Please know that I do not ask these questions to cast blame – just trying to make sense out of this situation.

    Mr. Nyarecha, so very sorry about you losing your brother. I think you’ve gotten some pretty nasty comments here that are unwarranted. The treatment of the mentally ill in LA Co. is poor – despite the efforts of some very dedicated people.

  • The author lost all credibility with me on that one. That means his brother robbed a bank, period. Trespassing would not have gotten him a ticket to the big house, but bank “commotions” surely would. Tragic ending, no doubt, but stop the blame game here locally.

  • “If they had actually cared about their crazy family member, they would have taken appropriate measures to prevent bad things from happening. Instead, they just want a payday.”

    Dose of Reality – I pray that you are not a Deputy. Your nasty remarks suggests that you lack any semblance of compassion for others less fortunate. This man lost his brother – who was not out on the street posing a danger to Deputies. He was ill and entrusted to the care of the Sheriff’s Department. If your brother died in custody wouldn’t you ask questions?

    Your tie them with a leash comment further indicates that you have little personal experience working with a mentally ill adult. If someone in your home was psychotic, would you retire and stay home with them all day? Would you force medication down their throat? Once they felt better and perhaps moved out with a roommate, would you check every day and make sure they’d taken their meds?

    The blame that you threw at this man was way out of line. The system failed his brother – as it fails mentally ill inmates every day due to a lack of resources. Don’t blame their families.
    If you are as jaded as you sound – please seek help.

  • Truly stated with a 360 view as the reasonings change when your family member is involved.

    LEO’s are not exempt.

  • Pat Rolman, You are absolutely correct. Remember the 80’s and, the ACLU lawsuits which shuttered all the mental institutions in California. The idea of opening up institutions sounds sensible. Jails cannot become de-facto mental institutions. I think reputable mental health hospitals are needed for people who WANT psychiatric treatment.

    While we do need more In-patient psychiatric capacity, it’s not to prevent violence. It’s because sick people need help. Oftentimes, people are voluntarily looking for help, but are not provided adequate treatment. Additionally, opening mental health hospitals will allow people more access to good psychiatric care. It would be a return to the original idea of what an asylum was meant to be – a place of safety and sanctuary for vulnerable people. It would create more spaces that are ethically administered and well run, and give people access to them. These people would need full-on treatment, not just 72 hours of stabilization. The harsh reality is, some of these people may be living in institutions for the rest of their lives.

    Jails don’t have to be the only option. This requires the will of all sections of society.

  • Dose of Reality, do they do this in the core – keeping E1’s & E2’s on a leash – virtual and actual if indicated.

  • Wow before I read seriously comment. I thought the same thing. On a leash huh, as if he were a dog or animal of some sort. The sad thing in LA County is that many LE Truely feel this way.

    Like I say, it’s easy to judge unless you’ve been in their shoes.

    Tic Tac Tic Tac Tic Tac,

    It’s a humbling situation to sit where I now sit and to think that I never knew what injustices were truly going on around me, never knew about the racially identity n profiling act until I did some research. We are often blind until our paycheck and means of life, or someone close to us life is taking away.

    I sincerely hope that I have been treated wrong to lead a path to future rights. Many of you may not know what the mean…..but if all goes well. I will expose what I have experienced here on this form.

    Aside from the back n forth of all of us here, I believe this board is a way for us all to express our likes n dislikes……I just wish there was another method for those who want to be heard, heard.

    But then again, the clock is ticking Tic Tac Tic Tac, what will you do to make a better tomorrow, a better you.

    For an individual to loose a life no matter the circumstances is tragic, but to bash a person when their gone or his family…one should be appalled.

    My condolences to you and your family. A leash huh, say what you truly feel. No one knows your name.

    Man and to think, they call this place the great America, land of the free and home of the brave.

    Many folks have bled, suffered and died…..but yet the marathon continues. Yea I’m just rambling, but if your office looked like mine with paperwork of injustice, you’d ramble with me until someone, somewhere heard your cry.

    I end with this, if we all men, women, boy and girl were born with an even playing field, no matter what color you were. Who would win the race.

    Tic Tac, the clock is running.


  • A take away from the comments that some find insensitive, and lacking in compassion supports the premise that a jail facility is not the right place for these people to be. These “justice involved” mentally ill need to be secured in a facility ran by medical and mental health professionals. A place ran by peole who’s life work is to deal with these types of individuals and who have the compassion, training and patience to do it. The answer is looking our political leaders right in the face, they just keep taking the long way and detouring around it.

    If the ACLU was able to utilize create legal mumbo jumbo to have mental hospitals shut down in California that should tell you something about what they are about. If they had there way all jails and prisons would be shuttered as well. The ACLU of the modern era is nothing more than an activist group whose sole purpose is to use the legal system to destroy our society from within. Luckily the infestation that is them has not taken hold across the country.

  • This Fake News article is not about a man dying in custody. This is a smoke screen to demean DA Lacy and for WLA to use a death, his family is ‘appalling.’ Make the connection as to what in the hell does the DA’s Office(any DA’s Office) have to do with jail conditions? Was DA Lacy do go and escort the mentally ill to court, med line and therapy? THERE ISN’T ENOUGH STAFF AND RESOURCES TO MAKE EVERYONE FREE OF CONSEQUENCES. FOR LA COUNTY TO BE MENTALLY FIT WE WOULD HAVE TO HIRE EVERY PSYCHOLOGIST AND SHRINK IN THE WORLD AND CORNER EVERY PSYCHOTIC PILL! This is a poor excuse of a hit job!

  • UM, yes, all lives matter. That is why black people had to remind our white brethren and the police department, as they seemed to have never gotten the memo or, if they did, they forgot that Black lives also matter.

    Justinian, correct me if I am wrong, but there seems to be much that could have been done differently. The man had a diagnosis of dehydration or possibly meningitis, he was returned to his jail cell, the officer slammed the man’s head, he was suppose to be in the lower bunk, but was not, etc. Smells like a 7 figure lawsuit, as, at minimum, it reeks of negligence. Celeste should update that post of a few days ago about how much we pay because of the ignorance and negligence of the LASD.

    Cognistator, yes, we know your professor told you psychology is an elevate form of voodoo, as you mention it quiet frequently. We know you went to college.

    Fat Rolman, no need to shed crocodile tears, we know were you stand given that man that died was black. And, yes, the politicians have some blame, but it sounds to me like there was quite a bit of negligence on the part of the County, including the fine officers on duty.

    Early Warning, apparently quite of few blue brethren read this blog. And, from the postings, they read it quite religiously. I suspect it may be therapeutic, a way to channel the anger they cannot so easily direct ta black and brown kids anymore. Funny how you and the rest of the LE patrol bitch and moan about this site, but you never leave. You are like battered women. And, Madame Kong, even thinks there is a conspiracy a foot.

    Does of Reality, you are correct. People have these expectations that the police can shoot a knife or gun out of someone’s hand. But, they cannot even hit an imaginary black man in a pick up with two little Mexican ladies. In fact, they could not even hit the two Mexican ladies despite shooting about 100 rounds. The last officer that appeared to be a good shot, Dorner, I think was his name, was let go from the force.

    Conspiracy, the take away from the comments that some find insensitive and lacking in compassion DOES NOT supports the premise that a jail facility is not the right place for these people to be, although it is true that jail is not the place for these folks. The take away is that some people on this site, like you, are insensitive, lack compassion, and, some, are downright racist. That is the take away. Own it. Its the Trump era.

  • What did this magnificent human do to land in TTCF? Did the family make any attempt to find help prior to the crime that landed him there? All of a sudden it’s not their problem anymore, let the county deal with it until he’s dead and we can make some $$.
    The reality is, if the family had attacked the problem head on then maybe he wouldn’t be dead. Was he a drug addict as well? Surely that didn’t contribute to his deadness or incarceration.
    Tough shit man. Everyone’s fault but the individual. Welcome to liberal California.
    Collect your money and move on.

  • As brutal and direct as this statement is…..It is completely spot on!…I truly believe people are offended by this “approach” cause it hits home and forces a certain level of accountability….something that has been lost,especially in CA..

  • Editor’s Note:

    “CF,” I edited your post, and replaced anything like “porcine.” Please leave off with the middle-school insults. It’s abusive.

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


  • Gj, clearly you couldn’t care less about the article, as you didn’t even refer to it. You’re simply posting to vent your hate at who you perceive to be police officers. Was being a law enforcement reserve that frustrating? Did the “real cops” pick on you that bad? Why don’t you tell us about it?

  • CF: One day you’ll stop being a victim and understand that you must stand on your own feet. You blame everyone for your sorrows and accept no responsibility for your actions. You are not the only one that has suffered pain and loss.

    Life is not fair and never will be. Once you understand that you will let go of the hate and live with great joy. If you saw my face you no doubt would call me a traitor. However, when I look at others I am reminded that I choose my feelings and choose happiness.

    I don’t need to be reminded of my appearance, I see it everyday.

  • arent sheriffs supposed to check on people ever few minutes or so? how does someone lay dead 4 hours and hours? ok you couldnot help with his problemsbut couldnt you keep him alive? don’t lock people up if you can’t safely keep them. used to have lotta respect for you all but the mess written here is no better than the excuses of my grandson.

  • Checks are done but due to the frequency you very well can’t wake someone up every 15 or 30 minutes. The little angels have to get their uninterrupted sleep per the Title 15 Rules or the “guards” will be criticized for harassment, being cruel and violating their civil rights. The ACLU will be right there to prepare the lawsuit. If someone’s covered in a blanket, laying on the floor or in a position where you can’t tell if their chest is rising or falling it is tough to tell if someone just sleeping or not. Some folks are so used to sleeping on the ground outside in cardboard boxes when in a cell they often sleep on the floor under their bunks.

    It’s easy to judge from the outside.

  • Maybe because they didn’t have the means to bail him out, maybe they thought he’d get better help. Don’t know if you’ve worked behind the walls, but once your behind them……it’s not as easy for some to get out of them.

  • Some posters have politely stated the need for residential mental health programs to deal with this population. Makes perfect sense.

    Sad comments however, from people presenting as Sheriff’s employees. From the family should have tied him with a leash, to “Tough shit man…collect your money and move on” to “What did this magnificent human do to land in TTCF” to “Did the family make any attempt to find help prior to the crime that landed him there?” to “Why isn’t Leon banging on the doors of lawmakers in Sacramento…?” to “…they just want a payday.”

    How about just telling this man that it’s a damn shame he lost his brother? Instead you blame the family, tell them that this man meant zero to you and basically tough luck, move along. The mentally ill are very hard to work with and the BOS should be ashamed for not having sufficient mental hospitals to help them but many of these comments are troubling. No wonder oversight of your world has increased. Bless the many members of the dept that are still compassionate professionals.

  • The “Dorner was done wrong, therefore the LAPD had it coming” argument is an exorcize in tribalism and blind hatred towards the perceived enemy of that tribe. No different than a member of the Arian Brotherhood looking for ways that Dylann Roof May have been picked on by blacks to justify what he did. Incredibly stupid, Cannick is a fool.

  • Seriously?
    Very True. To add to this, under Villanueva’s command there are not going to be any investigations, to determine with certainty that, either Deputies or CA’s frequented the cells, and scanned their badges to check on the inmates health.

  • What set Dorner off was that after he was fired–unjustly, it now looks–the LAPD notified the U.S. Navy & Dorner was consequently discharged from the Naval Reserve.

    Dorner loved the Navy; he served overseas on active duty & was an O-4, meaning that as an officer he had been promoted four times, and getting discharged because of the LAPD notification was a real blow.

    It is not just Cannick; more information can be Googled

    Teresa Evans, LAPD.

  • # LASD Propaganda….do you really believe there will be no investigation into this inmates or for that matter anyone who dies while in the custody of the Sheriffs Department? I know everyone has the right to say anything due to freedom of speech and all that but such an outright expression of “wrongness” is as they say in polite political circles “a bold face lie” by a “dog faced poney shoulder”. There will be many investigative bodies that have their hand in this on top of the DOJ looking over the shoulder and acting as the omnipotent big brother.

  • You mean investigate a death that happened on McIdiot’s watch? I don’t think Villanueva was sheriff in June of 2018. Try again fool.

  • You can read dorner’s mind? Or are you just looking for ways to blame the LAPD for something a psychotic lunatic did?
    Let me ask you this question. Now that we know what kind of unhinged manic dorner was, do you think the LAPD shouldn’t have fired him? Or the Navy? The only mistake the LAPD and Navy made was by hiring him in the first place, or by not firing him earlier.
    Or do you think a guy who would murder an innocent woman and her boyfriend in ambush, over some perceived slight, should be a police or naval officer?
    Ill take your word that there are many more fools out there than just cannick.

  • Cog, you do know he was a lunatic ,right? I hope your no where near any office that has anything to do with the hiring or firing of employees

  • That’s weak. The department is under three different consent decrees, multiple federal monitors, so exactly why wouldn’t deputies do their jobs all of a sudden? Because you don’t like the sheriff? LOL.

  • Boo hoo.
    Everyone is looking to assign blame and a dollar amount to their misfortune. Life isn’t fair and the world is mean. Get over it.

  • Well it was “trespassing and a brief commotion” inside a bank,,,,,the polite way of saying, he was probably in jail cause he tried to rob the bank. Why didn’t the writer or editor post what his charge was,,,,,oh, probably cause it says 211 PC

  • Everything is LASD or law Enforcements fault we are just out here running amok letting inmates die , running plates illegally, shooting people for no reason , taking people to jail for no reason (even though the family called us to do that) racial profiling, not promoting females or anyone non white , we are horrible we should all just resign now , let everyone out of jail , waive all judicial fees and disband all law enforcement departments, there how’s that ? Owe you still aren’t happy ? What a surprise.

  • LOL – Thank you for so beautifully proving my point. LASD sure ain’t what it used to be. You and some of the other immature, rude, sarcastic whiners here deserve each other. Remember post termination when you are surrendering your badge and gun that life ain’t fair.

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