Using the poorly named “line item veto,” Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger managed, with...
Public Assistance
Motivating Foster Care Kids to College
Every year around 5,000 kids are emancipated from California’s foster care system. ...
My Name is Richard. And I’m Homeless. Part VI
As the homeless capital of America, Los Angeles County has 73,000 homeless men and women; 10,000...
My Name is Richard. And I’m Homeless…… Part V
NOTE: This is part of a continuing series on long-time WitnessLA commenter, Richard LoCicero...
My Name is Richard. And I’m Homeless…… Part IV
My computer is having a psychotic break and I’m on my son’s laptop so I’ll make...
Finding Relief
Brand new and very smart writer (and USC graduate student), Matt Mundy has written a strong piece...