Well, it ain’t dull. As of this morning, Steve Cooley has pulled ahead in the...
Can We Keep Our State Parks Healthy Post Prop 21’s Crash & Burn?
On Tuesday, voters rejected Prop. 21, the ballot measure that would have added $18 to most vehicle...
Harris & Cooley Race Likely Not Decided for Weeks
It’s now evident that my enthusiasm about a Harris victory was premature. As the provisional...
On the Filter: Why Did California Go Blue?
On KNBC’s The Filter Wednesday night, I talked with Fred Roggin about why California had run...
IT’S A GIRL! Kamala Harris Appears to Have Won for CA AG – UPDATED (or Not)
UPDATE – 3:35 pm: THE CELEBRATION MAY HAVE BEEN PREMATURE None of the papers have called...
The Once & Future Governor: 1975, 1979, 2011
From the Guardian: Jerry Brown triumphs over Meg Whitman’s millions Governor Moonbeam is...