The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Bill Bratton
Choosing Charlie Beck: The Spin Factor & the Future
Most who closely tracked the selection of, at first, 13-candidates, then three finalists, and...
Choosing the Chief: Tuesday is the New Monday
Okay, so we were all geared up, popcorn in hand, waiting for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to announce...
Picking the Chief: 3 Finalists Named & 1 Comes to Class
The timing was perfect. Three weeks ago, when LAPD Assistant Chief Jim McDonnell agreed to speak...
Picking the Chief of Police: And the 3 Are…….
As any avid LAPD watcher knows by now, the short list of three is: First Assistant Chief Jim...
List of 3 for Chief of Police to be Announced Today – UPDATED X2
Waiting for the short list. Last we heard, the Police Commission was going to give the mayor its...