…Posting Later Today
American Voices
6 Monday Must Reads
OH, GET A GRIP, MAUREEN! Maureen Dowd wrote an exceedingly dopey column in the Sunday NY Times...
Susan Straight & The Sad Spring Blooms of Teacher Pink Slips
The gifted novelist Susan Straight (who teaches at UC Riverside) writes in the Huffington Post...
Four NY Times Reporters to Be Released
Here’s the NY Times report of Friday morning: Four New York Times journalists missing in...
House Votes to Cut NPR Funding. So, is Public Radio Really Left Biased?
As you likely know, the House of Representatives has passed bill that would defund National Public...
Saluting Monday’s New Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Famers Because…..
…OTHERWISE WE ARE LEFT HOPELESSLY CONTEMPLATING the ever worsening news about Japan’s...