
Disparate LASD Canine Bites of Minorities, the Political Impact of Mass Incarceration, and More


Civilian LASD watchdog Merrick Bobb released his semiannual report on the Sheriff’s Dept. on Monday. There’s a lot in the report, but one of the things that he focuses on as an area of high importance is the disproportionate amount of dog bites by LASD canines on blacks and Latinos. From January to June of this year, all canine bites were on African Americans and Latinos.

(We’ll have more on the whole official report tomorrow.)

Here’s a clip from the intro:

We have, in the past, recommended that the LASD focus on the stark disparities in the racial and ethnic mix of persons who are bitten by police dogs. In the first six months of this year, 100 percent of the dog bites were of Blacks and Latinos. While the number of annual bites of Anglos, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans has remained consistently low from 2004 through 2012, 89 percent of the total bites in the same time period were of Latinos or Blacks. This 89 percent is an increase from a still troublesome 85 percent in the 1990s.

…the number of Latinos being bitten by dogs increased 30 percent, from 30 bites in 2004 to 39 bites in 2012. Similarly, from 2004 to 2012, the number of Blacks being bitten by dogs increased 33 percent, from 9 in 2004 to 12 in 2012. This trend of minority populations disproportionately being bitten has held firm in recent years. In 2010, 90 percent of the bites were on Black or Hispanic suspects; in 2011, 89 percent; 2012, 90 percent; and during the first six months of 2013, 100 percent or all of the 17 bites were on Black or Hispanic suspects. Consideration might be given to a partial moratorium on the use of canines in all but the most critical circumstances involving armed suspects as practices are developed to curb the disproportionate impact.

And here is what the report recommends the department do about the disproportionate bite ratios:

…the fact that minorities are being bitten at a disproportionate rate – for many years – causes us great concern. The public is entitled to some explanation and understanding of why this is happening. We urge, again, that LASD conduct a study to determine the key factors driving this disparity. We also recommend that the Department collect data on all incidents that involve fleeing suspects who are involved in serious crimes. Such data will create a platform for analyzing whether or not race does in fact play a factor in the decision to call out the canine unit. If LASD continues to ignore the issues, we recommend that a partial moratorium be placed on the use of canines in all but the most critical circumstances involving armed suspects. Without the ability to conduct a meaningful, rigorous assessment, the LASD will demonstrate to the public that racial disparities in policing deserve only a shrug of the shoulder.


In an excellent new article, the Atlantic’s Heather Ann Thompson highlights the significant political consequences of the nation’s track record of overincarceration. Thompson cites multiple wars on crime, “prison-gerrymandering,” and the disenfranchisement of people with criminal convictions as ways that America’s democratic process has been compromised. (In July of 2012, we pointed to a report by the Sentencing Project which found that approximately 5.85M Americans were disenfranchised as of 2010 due to a past felony conviction.)

Here are some clips from the lengthy article:

The answer, in part, stems from the fact that locking up unprecedented numbers of citizens over the last forty years has itself made the prison system highly resistant to reform through the democratic process. To an extent that few Americans have yet appreciated, record rates of incarceration have, in fact, undermined our American democracy, both by impacting who gets to vote and how votes are counted.


the very same year that Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, he also signed another Act into law: the Law Enforcement Administration Act (LEAA), a piece of legislation that, well before crime rates across America hit record highs, created the bureaucracy and provided the funding that would enable a historically and internationally unparalleled war on crime.

So, at the very same moment that the American Civil Rights Movement had succeeded in newly empowering African Americans in the political sphere by securing passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, America’s white politicians decided to begin a massive new war on crime that would eventually undercut myriad gains of the Civil Rights Movement—particularly those promised by the Voting Rights Act itself.

Because of this new war on crime, national incarceration rates soared:

By the year 2007, 1 in every 31 U.S. residents lived under some form of correctional supervision. By 2010, more than 7.3 million Americans had become entangled in the criminal justice system and 2 million of them were actually locked up in state and federal prisons. By 2011, 39,709 people in Louisiana alone were living behind bars and 71,579 were either in jail, on probation, or on parole. And this was by no means a “southern” phenomenon. In Pennsylvania, 51,638 people were actually locked behind bars in 2011 and a full 346,268 lived under some form of correctional control by that year…

This nation’s incarceration rate was hardly color blind. Eventually one in nine young black men were locked up in America and, by 2010, black women and girls too were being locked up at a record rate.


In 1974, as the numbers of imprisoned Americans was rising precipitously and when states once again began to disfranchise individuals with criminal convictions, the U.S. Supreme Court was asked in a landmark case, Richardson v. Ramirez, to rule explicitly on the issue of whether it was constitutional under the 14th Amendment to disfranchise those serving, or who have served, time in prison. The court did the same thing that many southern states did after the Civil War—it interpreted Section A of the 14th amendment very, very differently than it was intended to be interpreted. It, too, decided that disenfranchisement would be permitted when a citizen was convicted of any crime, without regard to whether such crimes might be thought of as ideologically analogous to rebellion or were more likely to affect African Americans than others.


Disfranchising thousands of voters is only part of the story of how mass incarceration has distorted American democracy. Today, just as it did more than a hundred years earlier, the way the Census calculates resident population also plays a subtle but significant role. As ex-Confederates knew well, prisoners would be counted as residents of a given county, even if they could not themselves vote: High numbers of prisoners could easily translate to greater political power for those who put them behind bars.


On Thursday, October 10th, the ACLU will deliver a petition to US Attorney General Eric Holder, in addition to the above video, calling for an end to solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons.

Here’s a clip from the ACLU’s announcement:

The federal government has outlined concerns about locking kids in solitary, but it has fallen short of promising not to subject the kids in its care to this practice. Over the last several months, the ACLU has worked with over 40 advocacy groups to pressure Attorney General Eric Holder to ban solitary confinement for youth in federal custody – which would set an important precedent for states to follow suit. We received an initial response from decision-makers at the Department of Justice that signaled interest, but they still have not committed to a ban.

(Raw Story’s Travis Gettys also covered the story.)


  • The reason blacks and latinos are bit at a much higher rate is they commit the majority of felonies that the dogs are called out for. This question from Bobb is as stupid as asking why a much higher number of drinkers are arrested for drunk driving than non drinkers! Next he will demand that arrests equal the percentage of race in the county. If blacks are 15% then only 15% of the total arrests for the year can be black. This is this idiots next step.

  • In regards to incarceration rates and keeping people out of jail pending trial I have a suggestion. We should setup houses for pre trial much like juvie group homes. Make sure every one of these homes is next to an editor of one of the major and some minor newspapers and/or a liberal democratic legislator. See how long that lasts!

  • Sorry. I’m a long-time WLA reader and I think reasonable commentator, but this K9 piece/issue is beyond ridiculous. It’s so ridiculous it’s hardly even worth reading. Actually, I stopped reading it because it’s not worth reading. It’s ridiculous that it’s being raised as an issue or “problem” and ridiculous WLA is reporting as such…or at all. Dogs called out because some unknown person, of whatever race, can’t be found. The dog finds them and, particularly where there is resisting, after numerous warnings in multiple languages, they get bitten. So if there is any disparity in who is getting bitten, there are absolutely two possibilities: One, the dogs are racist. Two, more blacks and Hispanics are committing serious felonies/brandishing firearms, or are not giving themselves up or being found by deputies prior to being discovered and bitten. Race has absolutely, positively nothing to do with anything–OTHER than feeling increasingly entitled due to absurd issues like this in excusing/dismissing the felonious conduct of its members. But we all know what the truth here is. Which is why it’s ridiculous that WLA has wasted pixel lifespan and electricity by reporting it.

  • TomV hit the proverbial nail on the head. Merrick Bobb recommends dog-bite suspect race data because, “Such data will create a platform for analyzing whether or not race does in fact play a factor in the decision to call out the canine unit?” Are you kidding me?? The suspect decides how the scenario unfolds should he decide to ignore warnings always given prior to unleashing a K-9 deployed to an incident. The suspect, regardless of his race, makes decisions that impact his own safety. If he chooses to blow-off commands by a deputy legitimately there to handle a law enforcement problem, well, he’s subjecting himself to getting bit. Bobb’s implication the K-9 unit supervisor might be quicker to deploy a K-9 when it’s a black or latino suspect does a disservice to the hard working field deputies as well as to the many communities (geographical and racial) we serve. Perhaps Mr. Bobb could study fragmented families, absentee fathers, gangs, poverty, drug addiction and other factors influencing teen boys and young men into such behaviors that lead to confrontational contacts with law enforcement and the incarceration that comes with it. Why not analyze the health of certain American subcultures and see if there is anything that can be done to ensure we’re mentoring and teaching our young men to be responsible, upstanding citizens instead of making excuses for the bad behavior of too many of them?

  • The answer here is simple Mr. Bobb, just ask people in the white community
    to commit more crimes. I am sure if we all work together, we address tihis issue.

  • When is somebody going to explain it in a way that even the most soft hearted liberal crusaders can understand?
    Latinos are no longer a minority in CA.

  • Mr. Bobb, race obviously plays a part in the deployment of the canine units.
    You might consider the fact, the Department patrols many minority areas where the populations are heavily Hispanic and Black. Or refer to my previous post. And we pay you for this garbage!

  • This K9 report is downright idiotic on so many levels. It must have been a slow past 6 months so Gennaco and his ilk came up with this BS report to continue to justify him sucking on that breast full of money that’s LA county.

  • This is akin to the crybaby crusaders who make an issue of the “DWB” traffic stops by cops. Of course none of them mention that if a cop is on patrol in an area that is predominantly black, the vast majority of the traffic stops are going to be black people. Total intellectual dishonesty. It’s disingenuous reporting in an attempt to prove a predetermined outcome based on the world view or opinion of the reporter.
    They were bitching about blacks in Compton being stopped for “DWB” in the 90’s.



  • If the cops are proactive and aggressive and try to prevent crime in “minority” neighborhoods, they are racist and hassling “minorities”.
    If they back off and let the “minority” crooks in these “minority” neighborhoods run amok, they are racist because they are not keeping the crime rate down to the level of Rancho Palos Verdes because they don’t care about “minorities”.

    Bottom line is they are anti cop. They won’t support the cops no matter what the cops do. Plain and simple.

  • Has Mr. Bobb seen the process for K9 Deployment. I calculate it at about an hour or more of prerequisite check off’s before a dog can deploy. Confirmation of Crime, Age, Location, Multiple orders/commands via Vehicle, Aero, and so on. If the suspects does not turn himself over to law enforcement then K9 will deploy. The suspect regardless of race has adequate time to give up peacefully. I normally enjoy WLA, but this piece is beyond ridiculous.

    I agree with InterestedParty why aren’t we investing in the youth in these neighborhoods and cities that produce gangs, drug sales, and other felony crimes. I’ve come in contact with young gang members who show no remorse for their actions and in fact laugh after taken into custody.

    A lot needs to be done and I’m not one to start a comment war on WLA, but this piece is a stretch and again ridiculous.

  • Folks: Don’t get worked up into a dither; #5 has the perfect solution.

    More white folks need to get bit.

    Problem solved.

  • I don’t get why the Board of Supervisors pays this fool to spout such statistical nonsense. With so many high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Baca and his merry band of thugs, shouldn’t there be something good ol’ Merrick can investigate that would be a better use of the taxpayer dime?

    I don’t know, but the multiple cheating scandals, the obstruction of justice issues, the pay to play issues, oh I’m sorry that doesn’t involve deputies, does it? Just like OIR, the Semi-Annual Updates are blind, deaf, and dumb when it comes to executive corruption.

    That’s OK, the voters are not!

  • That’s a great idea. Regardless of the crime committed, the LASD canines need to bite more white folks. Can’t find a white felon to bite this week? Hey, turn the dog loose on the white kid that mall security is detaining for shoplifting. If they can’t get enough of those, turn the mutts loose on traffic violators. As long as just as many white folks are bitten, it’s all good.

  • Looking at the chart included, I don’t understand why the story isn’t “Hispanic and Black K9 Bitings on The Decline” or “Half As Many Blacks Bitten This Year as Last Year”. It’s actually a pretty dramatic decline; why is that not the story? Looking at the nearly 10 year period reviewed, the trends actually seem consistent with what we know about crime stats overall and who tends to be committing particular crimes within the LASD patrol area. Again, I just don’t see any “problem” LASD can or should be addressing–and the fact that a “problem” is being suggested here is probably what actually ought to be revealing and be investigated.

  • In my dealings with Mr. Bobb from the past, I have found that he and his staff are cut and paste artists (just look at similar reports he issues to other Cities and Counties he works for!) Race seems to be the thing he loves to hang his hat on. What was it a couple of years ago?? Foot Pursuits? He always manages to find some “outrageous” “racial discrimination” in each of his highly overpaid reports. He reminds me of an annoying gnat that buzzes around your ear…….annoying, thats about it!!

  • Native Americans? REALLY? Last time I looked LA County is not on a reservation. Simply incredible! Native Americans probably make up less than 1% of the population in LA County.

    Nice story WLA,

    I’m sure my good friend J. London supports the Merrick Bob report. Probably supports Obama too. I can’t wait to hear him whine about this comment.



    Dear Mr. Bean,

    Your first comment came in at 6:41 p.m., right in the midst of an hour or so when I was otherwise engaged so was not approving any comments.

    Thirteen minutes later, at 6:54 pm, when your comment had not appeared, you likened WitnessLA to Nazi Germany.

    In the future when a comment of yours doesn’t go up immediately, may I recommend some light reading:



  • Another possibility to reduce overall dog bites is to train the dogs in the Ring Sport method used in Europe. The dogs are trained to do their bite/grab and hold on the genitals. After a few get bit that way I suspect bites will plummet. Even crooks don’t want to get bit there.

  • Also keep in mind Merrick Bobb needs to justify the money he gets paid by the county. No problems ……no money!

  • Mr. Bobb,

    It is my understanding earth worms are disproportionately used by fisherman as bait. Perhaps your next report can focus on those issues. It would make as much sense as your K-9 report and I’m quite sure the earth worms would appreciate your effort.

  • Merrick Bobb’s Bite report completely ignores the real scandal revealed in the numbers – that a lot of the problems can be traced to one dog.

    One particular canine is notorious for making no bones about his preference for biting black suspects. He was often overheard growling about wanting to bite another “Tony Roma”.

    By the end of 2007, this particular canine had inflicted 4 or 5 questionable bites which were all under investigation. At that time, his commander had him pulled out of the field and put him on desk duty.

    As you can see from the numbers, the total bites on blacks in 2008 had fallen to 27 from a total of 42 bites the previous year.

    In 2009, total bites on blacks jumps back up to 45.

    What the Bobb report doesn’t tell us is the canine on desk duty had been reassigned back to the field, even though he still had open bite investigations.

    You can’t get a straight answer from the Sheriff Dept. on who signed off the authorization. But we do know that this senior canine has a lot of influence among the younger dogs and he convinced most of them to submit a revised Form W-4 to the Payroll Office in 2008. Every single dog had changed his voluntary payroll deduction to designate a maximum contribution to the Gardena Kennel Club.

    2008 records show the Gardena Kennel Club paid to have special kiosks installed at dog parks in Torrance, Redondo Beach, Hawthorne and Gardena.

    The kiosks featured a water station, a rack for 3 pooper scoopers and a poop bag dispenser. The dispensers had been stocked with complimentary pre-printed poop bags which said
    -“Vote Tanaka For Mayor”.

  • Mo Teff,

    I guess the dog handler was lucky he had a lot of black suspects willing to commit felonies and fit the criteria for deployment of his K-9. Otherwise, this
    apparent “racist” would have been out of work. Keep trying…….

  • If your story is true, there is something about the name Tanaka attached to something full of shit…

  • Maybe Bob should conduct a survey on why everyone watching the department, like himself and Genneco are all White and making a hefty salary from the county.

  • I have given this considerable thought as I know Mr. Bobb did…about 2 minutes. The answer is simple, enroll all the k-9s in a sensitivity program to better understand diversity in LA County. Then have them attend a tactical communications class to increase their ability to defuse situations through conflict resolution. Then show the dogs photos of the bites they inflict to create a moral dilemma and induce guilt. Final explain to the dogs that there are no bad people and that violence is not the answer ?????? Are we living in the Twilight Zone where the asylum is run my the inmates…..or Mr. Bobb?????

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